Papers by Deborah Wallach
This is a partial list of the papers I have written.
High-Performance Application-Specific Networking,
Deborah A. Wallach.
This is my dissertation, submitted to MIT in January 1997.
ASHs: Application-specific handlers for high-performance messaging,
Deborah A. Wallach,
Dawson R. Engler,
M. Frans Kaashoek.
The paper appears in
Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM'96 Conference on Applications, Technologies,
Architectures and Protocols for Computer Communication.
CRL: High-performance all-software distributed shared memory,
Kirk L. Johnson,
M. Frans Kaashoek,
Deborah A. Wallach.
The paper appears in the Proceedings of the
Fifteenth Symposium on Operating Systems Principles,
December 1995. (An earlier version of this work appeared as
Technical Report LCS-TM-517, MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, March 1995.)
Optimistic Active Messages: A mechanism for scheduling communication with computation,
Deborah A. Wallach,
Wilson C. Hsieh,
Kirk Johnson,
M. Frans Kaashoek, and
William E. Weihl.
This paper appears in the Proceedings of the
5th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium
on Principles and Practice of Parallel Programming (PPoPP '95).
Optimistic Active Messages: Structuring systems for high-performance communication,
M. Frans Kaashoek,
William E. Weihl,
Deborah A. Wallach,
Wilson C. Hsieh, and
Kirk L. Johnson.
This paper was presented at the Sixth SIGOPS European Workshop: Matching
Operating Systems to Application Needs.
The J-Machine Multicomputer: An architectural evaluation,
Michael D. Noakes,
Deborah A. Wallach, and
William J. Dally.
This paper appears in the Proceedings of the 20th International
Symposium on Computer Architecture. This postscript for this paper is
about 3 megs long, since it has a cool picture of the J-Machine embedded in
it. To see a version of the paper without the picture, click
PHD: A Hierarchical Cache Coherence Protocol,
Deborah A. Wallach.
This was my Master's Thesis, MIT August 1992, and is currently being made
into an AI TR.
A Scalable Hierarchical Cache Coherence Protocol,
Deborah A. Wallach.
This was my Bachelor's Thesis, MIT May 1990.