Markov type
- $L_p$ compression, traveling
salesmen, and stable walks — Naor, Peres '09
- Embeddings of discrete groups
and the speed of random walks — Naor, Peres '07
- The wreath product of Z with Z
has Hilbert compression exponent 2/3 — Austin, Naor, Peres
- Markov chains in smooth
Banach spaces and Gromov hyperbolic metric spaces — Naor, Peres,
Schramm, Sheffield '04
- Markov
chains, Riesz transforms and Lipschitz maps — Ball, GAFA'91
- Inapproximability of NP-complete problems,
discrete Fourier analysis, and geometry — Khot, '10
- Constructive algorithms for discrepancy minimization
— Bansal, '10
- How long does it take to catch a
wild kangaroo? — Montenegro, Tetali, STOC'09
- Random
walks and an O*(n^5) volume algorithm for convex bodies — Kannan,
Lovasz, Simonovits, Rand. Struct. Alg.'98
- Hit-and-run
mixes fast — Lovasz, J. Math. Prog.'99
- Maximizing
quadratic progams: extending Grothendieck's inequality —
Charikar, Wirth, FOCS'04
- $O(\sqrt{\log n})$
approximation to sparsest cut in $\tilde{O}(n^2)$ time —
Arora, Hazan, Kale, FOCS'04
- Kakeya sets, new mergers and old extractors, Dvir, Wigderson, FOCS'08
- On the size of Kakeya sets in finite fields, Dvir, J.Amer.Math.Soc.'08
- Ramanujan
graphs — Lubotzky, Phillips, Sarnak, Combinatorica'87
- Expanders via random
spanning trees — Goyal, Rademacher, Vempala, '08
- Links to how to generate random spanning trees simply
- Sampling to estimate
arbitrary subset sums — Duffield, Lund, Thorup, '05
- Fast
Dimension Reduction Using Rademacher Series on Dual BCH Codes
— Ailon, Liberty, SODA'08
- Clustering for Metric and Non-Metric distance
measures — Ackermann, Blomer, Sohler, SODA'08
- Shuffling, carry distribution and Young tableux — See
Diaconis (and Mitzenmacher blog)
- Graph limits and parameter testing — Lovasz, Szegedy, Sos, Vesztergombi, Borgs, Chayes, STOC'06
Estimating the Largest Eigenvalue by the Power and Lanczos
Algorithms with a Random Start — Kuczynski, Wozniakowski,
- Randomized
approximation schemes for cuts and flows in capacitated graphs
— Benczur, Karger
- The mixing rate of Markov chains, an isoperimetric
inequality, and computing the volume — Lovasz,
Simonovits, FOCS'90
- Random walks in convex body and an improved volume
algorithm — Lovasz, Simonovits, Random Struct. Algorithms
Towards 3-query locally decodable codes of subexponential
length — Yekhanin, STOC'07
A combinatorial, primal-dual approach to semidefinite programs
— Arora, Kale, STOC'07
On the submodularity of influence in social networks —
Mossel, Roch, STOC'07
- Pointers to approximations of submodular funcs by greedy
Simple deterministic approximation algorithms for counting
matchings — Bayati, et al, STOC'07
Fourier meets Mobius: fast subset convolution —
Bjorklund, et al, STOC'07
Faster integer multiplication — Furer, STOC'07
First to market is not everything: an analysis of preferential
attachment with fitness — Borgs, et al, STOC'07
- Polya-Urn processes
- Pointers to Janson on Theory of Branching Processes
- Solving linear systems ..., Spielman, Teng
- Sparsification and graph approximation
Algorithms with distributed stability
Sketching, streaming, sensing, sparse approximations
- Declaring
Independence via the Sketching of Sketches — Indyk,
McGregor, SODA'08
- Improved
Approximation Algorithms for Large Matrices via Random
Projections — Sarlos, FOCS'06
- Database-friendly
random projections — Achlioptas, J. CSS'03
- A remark on
compressed sensing — Kashin, Temlyakov, Note'07
- The
space complexity of approximating the frequency moments —
Alon, Matias, Szegedy, STOC'96
- Historic compressed sensing pointers
- Rubobust Uncertainty Principles ..., Candes, Romberg, Tao
- Compressed Sensing, Donoho
- Algorithmic Linear Dimension Reduction in the L1 Norm for
Sparse Vectors, Gilbert
- One sketch for all: fast algorithms for compressed sensing,
Gilbert, Vershynin
- The Dantzig selector: statistical estimation when ..., Candes,
- Error Correcting via Linear Programming, Candes, Rudelson, Tao,
- Decoding by Linear Programming, Candes, Tao
- Near Optimal Signal Recovery From Random Projections ...,
Candes, Tao
- Compressed Sensing, Candes
- Combinatorial Algorithms for Compressed Sensing, Cormode
Matrix/operator geometry, computation, and approximation
- Approximating orthogonal
matrices by permutation matrices — Barvinok, '05
- Faster Least Squares
Approximation — Drineas, Mahoney, Muthukrishnan, Sarlos '08
- Relative-error
CUR matrix decompositions — Drineas, Mahoney, Muthukrishnan,
- CUR matrix
decompositions for improved data analysis — Mahoney, Drineas,
- Sampling
algorithms for L2 regression and applications — Drineas, Mahoney,
Muthukrishnan, SODA'06
- Approximate
nearest neighbors and the fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss
transform — Ailon, Chazelle, STOC'06
The condition number of a randomly perturbed matrix —
Tao, Vu, STOC'07
An introduction to the conjugate gradient method without the
agonizing pain — Shewchuk '94
Note on a principal axis transformation for non-hermitian
matrices — Williamson, AMS'39
A principal axis transformation for non-hermitian matrices
— Eckart, Young, AMS'39
Primal-dual methods in optimization
- Convexity and
Commuting Hamiltonians — Atiyah '82
- Convexity
properties of the moment mapping — Guillemin, Sternberg '82
- Convexity
properties of the moment mapping, II — Guillemin, Sternberg '84
- Convexity
properties of the moment mapping, III — Kirwan '84
- Stateless
Distributed Gradient Descent for Positive Linear Programs —
Awerbuch, Khandekar, STOC'08
- The
Nonlinear Geometry of Linear Programming. I Affine and Projective
Scaling Trajectories — Bayer, Lagarias, AMS'89
- The
Nonlinear Geometry of Linear Programming. II Legendre Transform
Coordinates and Central Trajectories — Bayer, Lagarias,
- The
Nonlinear Geometry of Linear Programming. III Projective Legendre
Transform Coordinates and Hilbert Geometry — Lagarias,
- Karmarkar's
linear programming algorithm and Newton's method — Bayer, Lagarias,
J. Mathematical Programming '05
- A
modification of Karmarkar's linear programming algorithm —
Vanderbei, Meketon, Freedman, ALGORITHMICA'86
- A new
polynomial-time algorithm for linear programming — Karmarkar,
Multiplicative weight updates
Spectral Graph Theory
- Spectral Graph Theory, Chung
- Chapter 1:
Eigenvalues and the Laplacian of a graph
- Chapter 2:
Isoperimetric problems
- Chapter 3:
Diameters and eigenvalues
- Chapter 4:
Paths, flows and routing
- Chapter 5: Eigenvalues and quasi-randomness (major
- Chapter 6: Expanders and explicit constructions
- Chapter 7: Eigenvalues of symmetrical graphs
- Chapter 8: Eigenvalues of subgraphs with boundary
- Chapter 9: Harnack inequalities
- Chapter 10: Heat kernels
- Chapter 11: Sobolev inequalities
- Chapter 12: Advanced techniques on random walks
- Bibliography
- Finding sparse cuts locally
using evolving sets — Andersen, Peres, STOC'09
- Twice-Ramanujan sparsifiers,
Batson, Spielman, Srivastava, 2008
- Max Cut and the Smallest Eigenvalue,
Trevisan, '08
- Random
walks and the effective resistance of networks — Tetali,
- Graph Sparsification
by Effective Resistances — Spielman, Srivastava,
- Local graph partitioning using PageRank vectors
— Andersen, Chung, Lang, FOCS'06
- Scaling personalized web search — Jeh, Widom '??
- Bookmark-coloring algorithm for Personalized PageRank
Computing — Berhin '??
- Spectral Partitioning, Eigenvalue Bounds, and Circle
Packings for Graphs of Bounded Genus — Kelner,
- A
spectral technique for coloring random 3-colorable graphs
— Alon, Kahale, STOC'94
- Geometric
representations of graphs — Lovasz, Vesztergombi,
The Path Resistance Method for Bounding the Smallest Nontrivial
Eigenvalue of a Laplacian — Guattery, Leighton, Miller,
A short proof of the planarity characterization of Colin de
Verdiere — van der Holst, J. of Comb. Theory'95
On the null space of a Colin de Verdiere matrix — Lovasz,
Schrijver, Annales de l'Institute Fourier'99
- The
PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order to the Web —
Page, Brin, Motwani, Winograd, Stanford'99
- Authoritative
sources in a hyperlinked environment — J. Kleinberg,
- Rubber
bands, convex embeddings and graph connectivity — Linial,
Lovasz, Wigderson, Combinatorica'88
- Short Paths
in Expander Graphs — Kleinberg, Rubinfeld, FOCS'96
Sparsest cut and multi-commodity flows
- Oblivious routing in the Lp-norm
— Englert, Racke, FOCS'09
- Minimizing
average latency in oblivious routing — Harsha, Hayes, Narayanan,
Racke, Radhakrishnan, SODA'08
- Optimal
Hierarchical Decompositions for Congestion Minimization in
Networks — Raecke, STOC'08
- New lower bounds
for oblivious routing in undirected graphs — Hajiaghayi,
Kleinberg, Leighton, Raecke, SODA'06
- Multicommodity
max-flow min-cut theorems and their use in designing approximation
— Leighton, Rao, JACM'99
- On
Partitioning Graphs via Single-Commodity Flows,
Orecchia, Schulman, Vazirani, Vishnoi, STOC'08
- A
combinatorial, primal-dual approach to semidefinite programs
— Arora, Kale, STOC'07
- Graph
partitioning using single commodity flows — Vazirani,
Khandekar, Rao, STOC'06
- O(\sqrt{\log n)}
approximation to SPARSEST CUT in O(n^2) time — Arora,
Hazan, Kale, FOCS'04
- Expander
Flows, Geometric Embeddings and Graph Partitioning —
Arora, Rao, Vazirani, STOC'04
A Polylogarithmic Approximation of the Minimum Bisection
— Feige, Krauthgamer, SIAM-JoC'02
- Multicommodity
max-flow min-cut theorems and their use in designing approximation
algorithms — Leighton, Rao, JACM'99
Partitioning heuristics
Convex geometry
Functional and Harmonic Analysis
- A constructive proof of the
general Lovasz Local Lemma — Moser, Tardos, '09
- Reversible
Markov Chains and Random Walks on Graphs — Aldous, Fill, Book'??
- On the notion of recurrence in discrete stochastic processes — Kac, Bull. AMS'47
Balanced allocations: the weighted case — Talwar, Wieder,
- Chance and
stability – Stable distributions and their applications
— Uchaikin, Zolotarev, Book'99
- On
the sum of nonnegative independent random variables with unbounded
variance — Feige'03
- The
Markov chain Monte Carlo method — Jerrum, Sinclair,
- The Diameter of a Scale-Free Random Graph
— Bollobas, Riordan, Combinatorica'04
- Correlation Inequalities on Some
Partially Ordered Sets — Fortuin, Kasteleyn, Ginibre,
- On Concentration of
Probability — Svante Janson, SURVEY'00
Groups, algebra and geometry
Game theory
Stochastic Optimization
- A Generalization of Janson Inequalities and its
Application to Finding Shortest Paths — Subramanian,
SODA'99 (5/31/2007)
- An FPTAS for the Most-likely-on-time Path
— Brand, Kara, MERL/TR (5/22/2007)
- A New Approach to Stochastic Shortest Paths
— Brand, Kelner, Mitzenmacher, Nikolova, ESA'06
- Optimal Route Planning under Uncertainty —
Nikolova, Brand, Karger, ICAPS'06 (5/15/2007)
Dynamic optimality
- A lower bound framework for binary search trees with
rotations — Derryberry, Sleator, Wang, CMU-TR'05
- Lower bounds for accessing binary search trees with
rotations — Wilber, SIAM JCOMP'89, Notes (2/27/07)
- Dynamic Optimality – Almost —
Demaine, Harmon, Iacono, Patrascu, FOCS'04, Notes (2/25/07)
- Data Structures and Network Algorithms —
Tarjan, CBMS-NSF'83, Link-cut Trees: Sections 5.1,5.2,5.4
- Rotation Distance,
Triangulations, and Hyperbolic Geometry — Sleator,
Tarjan, Thurston, TR'86
Distance Oracles, Labels, Compact Routing and Oblivious
Here is my
summary of lower- and
upper-bounds in the routing literature.
- On-line routing in all-optical networks
— Bartal, Leonardi, TCS'99
- Universal
augmentation schemes for network navigability: Overcoming the
\sqrt{n}-barrier — Fraigniaud, Gavoille, Kosowski,
Lebhar, Lotker, SPAA'07
- An Energy-Driven Approach to Linkage Unfolding
— Cantarella, Iben, Demaine, O'Brien, SCG'04 (6/10/07)
- Brief announcement: Name-independent compact routing
in trees — Laing, PODC'04
- Brief announcement: A space lower bound for
name-independent compact routing in trees — Laing,
Rajaraman, SPAA'05
- On space-stretch
trade-offs: lower bounds — Abraham, Gavoille, Malkhi,
SPAA'06 Notes (3/28/07)
- Compact name-independent routing with minimum
stretch — Abraham, Gavoille, Malkhi, Nisan, Thorup,
SPAA'04, Notes
- Compact Routing Schemes — Thorup, Zwick,
SPAA'01, Notes
- Brief Announcement: Compact Routing with Additive
Stretch Using Distance Labelings — Brady, Cowen, SPAA'06
Notes (3/28/07)
- Approximate Distance
Oracles — Thorup, Zwick, STOC'01 Talk Notes (3/17/07)
- The Moore bound for irregular
graphs — Alon, Hoory, Linial, G&CJ'02 Notes (3/17/07)
- Monotone Maps, Sphericity and Bounded Second
Eigenvalue — Linial, Bilu, JCT'05
- Geographic Routing Using Hyperbolic Space
— Kleinberg, INFOCOM'07
- On a Conjecture Related to Geometric Routing
— (Journal version), Papadimitriou, Ratajczak,
Metric Embeddings
- Approximating a Finite Metric
by a Small Number of Tree Metrics — Charikar, Chekuri, Goel, Guha, Plotkin,
- Dimension reduction
in the L1 norm — Charikar, Sahai, FOCS'02
- A tight bound on
approximating arbitrary metrics by tree metrics
— Fakcharoenphol, Rao, Talwar, STOC
A tight upper bound on the probabilistic embedding of
series-parallel graphs — Emek, Peleg
- Improved Embeddings of Graph Metrics into Random
Trees — Dhamdere, Gupta, Raecke, SODA'06 Notes (12/6/06)
- Embedding Tree Metrics into Low Dimensional
Euclidean Spaces — Gupta, STOC'99
- Probabilistic Approximations of Metric Spaces and
its Algorithmic Applications — Bartal, FOCS'96
- On the Euclidean Distortion of Complete Binary
Trees — Linial, Saks, NOTE'01
Arithmetic and analytic combinatorics
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