Silas Boyd-Wickizer, M. Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris, and
Nickolai Zeldovich.
Non-scalable locks are dangerous.
In Proceedings of the Linux Symposium (OLS 2012),
Ottawa, Canada, July 2012.
Asif Khan, Muralidaran Vijayaraghavan, Silas Boyd-Wickizer,
and Arvind.
Fast and Cycle-Accurate Modeling of a Multicore Processor.
In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on
Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS 2012),
New Brunswick, New Jersey, April 2012.
Silas Boyd-Wickizer, M. Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris, and
Nickolai Zeldovich..
A Software Approach to Unifying Multicore Caches.
Technical Report MIT-CSAIL-TR-2011-032, MIT Computer Science
and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 2011.
Donald E. Porter, Silas Boyd-Wickizer, Jon Howell, Reuben
Olinsky, and Galen Hunt.
Rethinking the Library OS from the Top Down.
In Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on
Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating
Systems (ASPLOS 2011),
Newport Beach, California, March 2011.
Silas Boyd-Wickizer, Austin Clements, Yandong Mao, Aleksey Pesterev,
M. Frans Kaashoek, Robert Morris, and Nickolai Zeldovich. An Analysis
of Linux Scalability to Many Cores.
In Proceedings of the 9th Symposium on Operating Systems Design
and Implementation (OSDI 2010),
Vancouver, Canada, October 2010.
Silas Boyd-Wickizer and Nickolai Zeldovich. Tolerating Malicious
Device Drivers in Linux.
In Proceedings of the 2010 USENIX Annual Technical
Conference (USENIX ATC 2010),
Boston, Massachusetts,
June 2010.
Silas Boyd-Wickizer, Robert Morris, and Frans Kaashoek. Reinventing
Scheduling for Multicore Systems.
In Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems
(HotOS 2009),
Monte Verità, Switzerland,
May 2009.
Silas Boyd-Wickizer, Haibo Chen, Rong Chen, Yandong Mao, Frans Kaashoek,
Robert Morris, Aleksey Pesterev, Lex Stein, Ming Wu, Yuehua Dai, Yang Zhang,
and Zheng Zhang. Corey: An
Operating System for Many Cores.
In Proceedings of the 8th Symposium on Operating Systems Design
and Implementation (OSDI 2008),
San Diego, CA,
pages 43-57,
December 2008.
Nickolai Zeldovich, Silas Boyd-Wickizer, and David Mazières.
Securing Distributed Systems with Information Flow Control.
In Proceedings of the 5th Symposium Networked Systems Design and
Implementation (NSDI 2008),
San Francisco, CA,
pages 293-308,
April 2008.
Nickolai Zeldovich, Silas Boyd-Wickizer, Eddie Kohler, and
David Mazières.
Making information flow explicit in HiStar.
In Proceedings of the 7th Symposium on Operating Systems Design
and Implementation (OSDI 2006),
Seattle, WA,
pages 263-278,
November 2006.